The Serenity of Spring – Are Nature’s Days Numbered?


Snowdrops unwilling to part with winter, entrench springtime in a bed of snow-white wintry pearls.

‘You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.’ ― Pablo Neruda

With a sigh of dismay, we shake our heads in disdain at the human civilization and disparage its deepening potential for destruction as we learn of once frosty Arctic bears perishing amidst their liquefying home, Gabon elephants tortured for their regal tusks, torched Brazilian rainforests, Cambodian natural treasures disfigured by landfill & nature turning in on itself in a revengeful rage against man with floods & tsunamis. We quarantine ourselves away from the natural world in a sphere of technology and are left to tweet of global warming, talk of drought on our touch-screen TVs and bemoan on our smartphones, the fate of our children, who will inherit nothing more than an over-blazing sun and an outdated Iphone.

Yet, as much environmental destructiveness as there may be, perhaps we ought step out of our digital safe-haven into the outdoors & appreciate that the enchantress Mother Nature, is perhaps not so easily vanquished. Woodland conifers deepen their silky roots, blossoms and petals flitter & float like live confetti while a mother goose tends to her wayward goslings- still we are able to relish the taste of nature’s offerings and revel in the serenity of spring.

Do we cast aside nature in favour of technology? Should we indulge more in the natural wilderness that surrounds us and savour the beauty of spring, or ought we continue furthering man’s own impressive legacy of science, invention, architecture and art? Should we save us from ourselves and protect what remains of the natural world, or have threats of global warming, animal extinction and deforestation been exaggerated by yellow press and sensationalist journalism?



Azure skies, wild greenery and rainbow-coloured wilderness- as spring sidles over, our own inner Alice in Wonderland is free to venture through nature’s garden.




‘The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn’
― Ralph Waldo Emerson






From the frost covered mazes of winter to the woodland meandering of spring – in a reverie, we stumble through the labyrinth of life.

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The Mad Hatter and his gang gather for raucous spring shenanigans in the woods as the clock strikes for teatime.


        ‘It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.’ 
― Rainer Maria Rilke     


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31 thoughts on “The Serenity of Spring – Are Nature’s Days Numbered?

  1. Do we cast aside nature in favour of technology? YES

    Should we indulge more in the natural wilderness that surrounds us and savour the beauty of spring, or ought we continue furthering man’s own impressive legacy of science, invention, architecture and art? I think we can do both but in a more balance way and not always give preceedence to science and invention

    Should we save us from ourselves and protect what remains of the natural world, or have threats of global warming, animal extinction and deforestation been exaggerated by yellow press and sensationalist journalism? We should protect ourselves, I do not think that the press is exagerating

    and by the way I love your pictures, especially the 6th one from the top, trees with greenish colors

  2. Beautiful writing, I believe you have brought to the forefront things that many are missing in today’s world. We are so caught up in whats trending and what every single person on our friends list has going on that we forget to enjoy life while it is here. While our noses are stuck to our phones or computers, the birds are still singing and life is still happening outside. I’d rather have something to say when I run into people than stay inside all the time. Instead of learning how to “get nature out of our way” so to speak, we should learn to live co-dependently with the natural earth around us.

  3. Beautiful post! You have expressed well the dilemma of humankind. I have a neighbour who is raising her daughter, now four years, to love Nature. My wish for her is that this love will never fall prey to the smartphones and social media.

  4. When mankind stopped his hunter – gathering existence, began cultivating and foregoing flint for metal tools the die was cast against nature. Now we have no excuses for the destruction of OUR home, we have the technology, the knowledge and the foresight to know what will eventuate if we keep going like we are. The trouble is we are like a huge group of people living in a boarding house, we pay the rent and expect someone else to clean up the mess. In this house there are the starving who don’t care what happens, as long as they can find something to eat. While others gorge themselves on what could be shared. Some boarders want to burn the house down and others want to give the whole place a face lift to keep it going. Some will spend all day in the front yard arguing about it while the house is slowly rotting away. Then, when it’s crumbled to dust and the last boarders huddle in the darkness full of despair, who will they blame?

  5. My neighbors laugh that I put out bird seed and bread for the birds living inside the lower layers of dead branches on my palm tree. I want to see those birds everyday, along with the bees and everything else that feed off my flowering plants. Nature surrounds us every day. Enjoy it, I say. Peace.

    • It’s wonderful to give to the birds and they give back to you. When you have flowering plants for them, that’s the best way. Bird seed should be just an occasional treat so they don’t become reliant and they have a mixed diet. (But please, no bread the yeast is not good for them.) Wonderful that you enjoy their beauty in your life. CC

  6. What an absolute glorious post! Wow! You are quite gifted with the camera, and your writing is really good as well. I wish you all the very best! And thank you so much for visiting my blog, Petals Unfolding. xxoo, Amy

  7. ”From the frost covered mazes of winter to the woodland meandering of spring – in a reverie, we stumble through the labyrinth of life.” … love your phrasing here. As I see it: We are nature – just a dumb and confused part of it – hopefully re-integrating once we get over our alienation from ourselves. I like this article a lot.

  8. Beautiful photos – I wish we got weather like that – we’ve only seen the sun and blue skies 3 afternoons this year so far! 😦

    Couldn’t agree more about the climate – I just wish so many people weren’t sticking their heads in the sand and denying it all!

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